There is no doubt that you will succeeD. We have no doubt that you will succeeD. We don’t doubt that you will succee D. We don’t doubt whether you will succeed
joined connected united combined
There is no doubt that you will succeeD. We have no doubt that you will succeeD. We don’t doubt that you will succee D. We don’t doubt whether you will succeeD.
joined connected united combined
i= Im sin ω t i= Im sin(ω t+90°) i= Im sin(ω t-90°) i= Im sin(ω t+180°).
measure seek exist combine
joined linked connected combined
attached united connected combined
she succeeding her succeeding she succeed her to succeed
If we succeed That we can succeed Do we succeed Whether we can succeed
i=Im sin(ω t+180°) i=Im sin(ω t-180°) i=Im sin(ω t+90°) i=Im sin(ω t-90°)
succeed; work succeed; will will succeed; work will succeed; will succeed
succeed success will succeed successful
follows should follow would follow has followed
cannot succeed hadn’t succeeded w ouldn’t succeed couldn’t have succeeded
we should succeed should we succeed might we succeed would we succeed