let make prevent Persuade
Did I persuade If I persuade If I should persuade Had I persuaded
If I persuaded Did I persuade Had I persuaded If I should persuade
persuaded, advise advised, persuade suggested, persuade suggested, advise
In the cake. In Marie’s throat. On the table. In the hospital.
persuade be persuaded to persuade persuading
had have have had will have
let make prevent persuade
She was 12. She was 13. She was 25. She was 27.
Did I persuade If I persuaded If I should persuade Had I persuaded
While Immediately Suddenly Momentarily
During Christmas. On Marie’s birthday. Before Christmas. After Christmas.
If I persuaded Did I persuade Had I persuaded If I should persuade
Marie lived an unusual life after she got sick. The coins in the cake brought good luck to Marie. It’s Marie’s fault to bring misfortune to her. The 13-year-old girl couldn’t speak because of the coin.
Because she had a bad cold and began to cough. Because she heard the doctor there could help her speak again. Because she wanted to know what the small and black thing was. Because she think she can speak again.