minutes minute minute’s minutes’
away from across from far from far away
how often how long how far how soon
It’s near the bus stop. It’s far away from the bus stop. It’s behind the bus stop.
how can I get to the post officE. Where is the post office Which is the way to the post office How far the post office is
How long How often How far How many
how can I get to the post office where is the post office which is the way to the post office how far the post office is
minute minutes minute’s minutes’
how can I get to the post office where is the post office which is the way to the post office how far the post office is
How long How much How many How far
where ’s a post office where I can buy some stamps is there a post office near here how far ’s a post office
how far is the post office which is the way to the post office how long did you reach the post office how far it is to the post office from here
how can I get to the post office where is the post office which is the way to the post office how far the post office is
far away long from far from long away
how often how long how far how soon
How far, minutes’ How far, minutes How long, minutes’ How long, minutes
far away long from far from long away
to; to from; to from; from /; to
to, to from; from from; to to; from