one; one it; it it; one one; it
one; one it; it one; it it; one
What are you doing How old are you Where is the station Can I help you
one;one it;it it;one one;it
What do you want to buy Can you help me Do you need any stamps What can I do for you
one; one it; it it; one one; it
one, one it, it it, one one, it
one; one it; it it; one one; it
The bank The library The post office The restaurant.
where I can buy books where can I buy books w
CanIhelpyouMayIhelpyou WhatcanIdoforyouAnythingIcandoforyou
it; one it; it one; one one; it
how can I get one where can I get one w
Grown - ups like new stamps while young boys like used ones. There are hundreds of kinds of stamps in the world. Sometimes stamp collectors are willing to pay thousands of yuan or more for a used stamp. A post - office worker does not want to buy any used stamps.