Tθ>Tw Tθ<Tw Tθ=Tw Tθ=1/2 Tw
Tθ>Tw Tθ<Tw Tθ=Tw Tθ=1/2 Tw
One’s neck has something to do with the connection of thighbones and the hip joints. The key part of a thighbone includes a cortex and a spongy core. Body posture decides the weight the thighbones need to support. Bipedal walking applies different forces from upright walking.
(t,tw) (td,H) (P,H) (I,tw)
输入信号,当READY=L(低电平)时,CPU将插入等待周期TW 输入信号,当READY=H(高电平)时,CPU将插入等待周期TW 输出信号,当READY=H(高电平)时,CPU将插入等待周期TW 输出信号,当READY=L(低电平)时,CPU将插入等待周期TW
Difference Between Hominids and Chimps Hi-tech Application in Anthropology Internal Structure of Thighbone Human Ancestors Walking on Their Feet
(18-te)Z (16-te)Z (18-tw)Z (16-tw)Z
RBRVS=(TW)(1+AST)(1+RP RBRVS=(TW)*(1+AST)+(1+RP RBRVS=(TW)*(1+RP+(1+AST) RBRVS=(TW)+(1+AST)+(1+RP
She is a famous Australian anthropologist. She is a woman who is crazy about modem fashion. She is nothing different from modern humankind. She is an evidence of upright posture priority.
(18-te)Z (16-te)Z (18-tw)Z (16-tw)Z
t=tw=td t>tw>td t<tw<td t>tw=td
found obscure ignored deduced
t>tw>td t<tw<td t>tw=td t=tw=td
tw>t>td t>tw>td td>t>tw td>tw>t