current in the circuit voltage in the circuit inductance in the circuit resistance in the circuit
Intellectual property is an intangible creation. Intellectual property includes patents , trademarks , copyrights , etc. Intellectual property is a visible creation. There are some agreements concerning intellectual property under the WTO.
a production of early man’’s manual work. a demand for greater productivity in industry. varying with the shift in public approval. denied by socialized production and exchange.
be viewed as a design of inventive powers. be treated as a discovery of our ancestors. serve as the universal rule of transactions. function as the basis of market economy.
Intellectual property is an intangible creation Intellectual property in ludes patents,trademarks,copyrights,etc. Intellectual property is a visible creation There are some agreement sconcerning intellectual property under the WTO
inductance capacitance resistance amperage
Obj,Property; MyClass.Property; obj::Property; obj.Property();
a.Obj,Property; b.MyClass.Property; c.obj::Property; d.obj.Property();
Set Polity Polity Property Set Property
Voltage Current Resistance Inductance
interest interests property possession
remainder acquisition property accuracy
property remedy welfare movements