give it to me give them to me give me give them
Yes, my pleasure No, thank you Yes, with pleasure No, please don’t
Yes, give me No, please Yes, please Here you are
other the other another one
some breads a piece bread two pieces of bread some piece of bread
other the other another one
give me them give them me give them to me give me to them
three bread three pieces of bread three pieces of breads three piece of bread
I’m feeling terrible Don’t trouble mE. Give me some medicine, please Please take care of me
three bread three pieces of bread thre e pieces of breads three piece of bread
delicious something something delicious anything delicious nothing delicious
give it me give me it give me to it give it to me
delicious something something delicious anything delicious delicious anything
three bread three pieces of bread three pieces of breads three piece of bread
something anything nothing any
three bread three pieces of breads three pieces of bread three piece of bread