Fe、Mg、I Fe、I、Mg I、Mg、Fe I、Fe、Mg
I、Fe、Mg Cu、Mg、I I、Mg、Fe Fe、Mg、I
A.teenager,a Teenager; / Teenager; a A teenager; /
no longer; / no; longer / ; no longer no; any longer
Fe Mg I Fe I. Mg I. Mg Fe I. Fe Mg
I.—、Fe3+ 、Cl— Fe2+、Cl—、Br‑ Fe2+、Fe3+ 、Cl— Fe2+、I.— 、Cl—
Br-,Fe2+,I- I-,Fe2+,Br- Br-,I-,Fe2+ Fe2+,I-,Br-
I2+2Fe2+===2Fe3++2I- 2Br-+I2===Br2+2I- 2Fe3++2I-===2Fe2++I2 2Fe3++2Br-===2Fe2++Br2
face-to-face; entirely face to face; entire in face of; completely face to face; entirely
what does my son want to get what my son needs most
why is my son often annoyed Why my son gets annoyed very often
what does my daughter want to get if my daughter wants to get love and understanding(理解) what my daughter needs most why my daughter gets annoyed very often
what my son needs most what does my son want to get w
where does my son want to go what my son needs most why my son get annoyed very often when my son needs it
2Fe3++I2=2Fe2++2I- 2Fe3++2I-=2Fe2++I2 2Fe2++2I-=2Fe3++I2 2Fe2++I2=2Fe3++2I-