makes the air move makes the air still makes the air cold reflects back into space
现在人们对月薪上万元的收入要求已经视若平常了 招聘人才的投入越来越大 人才的价值在今天越来越体现出来 人与人之间在从业和收入方面的差异更加明显
are valuable are unimportant their friends like they themselves need
是一切社会都有的普遍现象 是一种谋生的通用手段 是社会主义市场条件下仍然存在 是资本家剥削劳动者的手段
heat pressure atmosphere air
The Sun’s Heat Pressure Atmosphere Why Do Winds Blow
B.C.D)中,选 出最佳答案。 21.If you want to be ___success in ____business world, you need ____ high level of English competencE. A.a ; a ;a a ;the ;a x ; the ; x x ; the; the
Young Thieves An Unusual Illness Reasons for Stealing A Normal Child’s Actions
have little control of themselves usually steal things but grow up honest are usually kleptomaniacs like to give things away
产油国将抬高油价 能源消费量将呈下降趋势 未来对石油的需求量会增大 产油国会减少石油的开采量
收入差距的加大必然带来矛盾的激化 经济交往过程中必然出现剥削的现象 经济纠纷常常是由于账目不清引起的 劳动收入问题是社会稳定的决定因素