deny investigate stress create
deny investigate stress create
ai-a1 ai+1-a1 ai-ai-1 ai-1-a1
supervisory manipulating management processing
B.C.D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The temperature will fall sharply the day after tomorrow, when a snowstorm_____to strike our areA. A.expects is expected has expected will be expected
expects has expected is expected will be expected
the rate of discharge exceeds the capability of clearance transportation the goods discharged are incompatible segregation on a commodity basis is necessary the cargo is subject to weather damage or is expected to remain in the terminal for longtime"
deny investigate stress create
inferring reasoning deriving proving
investigate deny stress create
renew improve upgrade amend
deny investigate stress create
estimated time of arrival expected time of air-attack east time of the anchorage east trade area"
Surginh Spillinh Plunginh Converging"
experience know-how expertise skillfulness
synonymously equivalently substitutionally homomorphously
series of stimulus policies and supportive measures taken by the government _____ to promote change in the economic environment in this areA. A. is expected are expected is expecting are expecting