The repeater The modem The hub The printer
writes covers prints reads
Banks always lose money when they print customer's names on cheques. Banks never print the names of customers on cheques. It's easy to forge a signature on a cheque which prints a customer's name. It doesn't matter to a customer if the bank prints customer's names on cheques.
writes reads prints covers
writes covers prints reads
The repeater The hub The bridge The router
During its whole history it sold 7,000 prints. The firm's prints were especially popular in Europe. The average number of prints from each picture was fewer than 7,000. Street vendors were among the firm's most effective sale force.
writes covers prints reads
it writes which covers it prints which reads
Banks always lose money when they print customer's names on cheques. Banks never print the names of customers on cheques. It's easy to forge a signature on a cheque which prints a customer's name. It doesn't matter to a customer if the bank prints customer's names on cheques.
looking out taking out finding out figuring out
looking out taking out finding out figuring out
During its whole history it sold 7,000 prints. The firm's prints were especially popular in Europe. The average number of prints from each picture was fewer than 7,000. Street vendors were among the firm's most effective sale forc