watch; key watches; key watch; keys watches; keys
Ⅰ only Ⅰ and Ⅱ only Ⅰ and Ⅲ only any of them
Set Key可以将物体的通道盒属性全部打上关键帧,Hold Current Key可以选择你想要的属性上单独进行关键帧设置 Set key可以将物体的通道盒属性全部打上关键帧,Hold Current Key可以在两个关键帧之间保持运动轨迹不变的情况下将物体的通道盒属性全部打上关键帧 Set Key可以选择你想要的属性上单独进行关键帧设置,Hold Current Key可以将物体的通道盒属性全部打上关键帧
Fields from multiple tables that are used for sorting records A set of fields in a table used to identify a record uniquely A field with a constraint placed on it A set of fields that have no data in them
A:列表(List)和集合(Set)存放的元素都是可重复的 B:列表(List)和集合(Set)存放的元素都是不可重复的 C:映射(Map)<key,value>中key是可以重复的 D:映射(Map)<key,value>中value是可以重复的
enterprise architecture technical architecture infrastructure architecture business architecture
put me up take me up set me up bring me up
set about set aside set up set out