锃亮(zènɡ) 拓片(tuò) 同仇敌忾(kài) 言简意赅(ɡāi) 瞭望(1iào) 妊娠(chén) 舐犊情深(shì) 自怨自艾(yì) 坍圮(pǐ) 壁龛(kān) 溘然长逝(kè) 殚精竭虑(dān) 泥淖(nào) 晕车(yūn) 谄媚阿谀(chǎn) 否极泰来(pǐ)
怂恿sǒng 蜕tuì化 脱皮tuō 倭寇wō 推诿wěi 酝酿niàng 塑料sù 上溯sù 朔风 shuò 不屑xiè 瞑目míng 狡黠xiá 愠色yùn 翁媪ǎo 恪守kè 菜畦xí
C=C0e-kt lg(X∞μ-Xμ)=(-k/2.303)t+lgX∞μ C=k0(1-e-kt)/Vk lgC’=(-k/2.303)t’+lg[k0(1-e-kt)/Vk]
Α.bü、pãn、wün、yōnɡ、dōu Β.bü、uí、kâ、tuí、hâi püi、â、ruǐ、iū、wài
I tried to sleep during the day and study at night.
I tried to sleep in the daytime and study at night.
I tried to sleep during the daytime and study in the night.
C=C0e-kt lg(X∞μ-Xμ)=(-k/2.303)t+lgX∞μ C=k0(1-e-kt)/Vk lgC’=(-k/2.303)t’+lg[k0(1-e-kt)/Vk]
顶风30kt,顺风10kt,侧风20kt 顶风40kt,顺风10kt,侧风15k 顶风20kt,顺风10kt,侧风20kt
MRT=AUMC/AUC CSS=K0/KV fss=1-e-kt C=K0(1-ekt)/KV E=dxu/dt=ke·X0e-kt
tūo, ā, cháo, péi tuì, hē, zhāo, bèi tuì, ē, cháo, bèi tuì, hē, zhāo, péi
C=C0e-kt lg(X∞μ-Xμ)=(-k/2.303)t+lgX∞μ C=k0(1-e-kt)/Vk lgC’=(-k/2.303)t’+lg[k0(1-e-kt)/Vk]
恸哭 tòng 湍急 tuān 颓废 tuí 蜕化 tuì 囤积 tún逶迤 wēi yí 违反 wéi 崔嵬 wéi g 龌龊wò chuò 斡旋wò 膝盖 xī 檄文 xí 狡黠 xié