it takes a long period of time to teach monkeys to typewrite. very few monkeys can knock out letters. Huxley's theory is not convincing. the experiment was done in response to theism.
put it put out put up with it put in
User.ini User.dat System.dar system.ini
it takes a long period of time to teach monkeys to typewrite. very few monkeys can knock out letters. Huxley's theory is not convincing. the experiment was done in response to theism.
put it put out put up with it put in
删除文件中原有内容。 保留文件中原有内容,可在文件尾添加新内容。 保留文件中原有内容,在文件头开始添加新内容。 以上均不对。
Open "text.dar"For Write As #1 Open "text.dat"For Binary As #1 Open "text.dat"For Input As #1 Open "text.dat"For Random As #1
FileInputStream in=new FileInputStream("file.dar");in.skip9.;int c=in.read(); FileInputStream in=new FileInputStream("file.dar");in.skip10.;int c=in.read(); FileInputStream in=new FileInpmStream("file.dar");int c=in.read(); Random AccessFile in=new RandomAceessFile("file.dar");in.skip9.;int c=in.readByte
it takes a long period of time to teach monkeys to typewrite. very few monkeys can knock out letters. Huxley's theory is not convincing. the experiment was done in response to theism.
Open "text.dat" For Write As#1 Open "text.dar" For Binary As#1 Open "text.dat" For Input As#1 Open "text.dat" For Random As#1