Three hundred; to do Three hundred of; doing Three hundred of; to do Three hundred; doing
three times as many as more than three times as three times as three times that they did
deers; sheeps deers; sheep deer; sheeps deer; sheep
as more than three times many more than three times many as more than three times as many three times as more than many
three hundreds sixty-five three hundreds and sixty-five three hundred and sixty-five three hundred and sixty five
every three weeks every third weeks each three weeks each three weeks
three hundreds and sixty-five three hundred and sixty five
three hundred and sixty-five three hundreds and sixty five
of crop as much this year as as much crop this year as as more crop this year as much crop this year than
hundreds of hundred of five hundreds five hundred of
two-month two-months two months two month
three hundred sixty-five three hundred and sixty-five three hundred and sixty –five two hundreds and sixty-five
three hundreds and sixty-five three hundred and sixty five three hundred sixty five three hundred and sixty-five
Hundred Three millions Millions of Three million of
two hundreds of two hundreds two hundred two hundred of
Hundred Three millions Millions of Three million of