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Mary has left the book on the table ______ purpose so that you can read it.



So does Mary    Nor does Mary    Neither has Mary.    So has Mary  
was just leaving   just left   has just left   had just left  
had written, left    were writing, has left    had written, had left     were writing, had left  
was just leaving  just left  has just left  had just left  
had written, left       were writing, has left   had written, had left     were writing, had left  
there is    there are    has    have  
left  had left  has left  was leaving  
has been to       has gone to       has left      will leave  
worked    has been working    had worked    has worked  
has left   was away from   has gone to   has been to  
borrowed    has had    keep    has bought  
So does Mary  So is Mary.  So has Mary  So Mary has  
had written, left     were writing, has left    had written, had left     were writing, had left  
had written; left  were writing; has left  had written; had left  were writing; had left  
had written, left    were writing, has left     had written, had left    were writing, had left  
left    was leaving    had left    has left  
had written, left     were writing, has left    had written, had left     were writing, had left  
had written ; left   were writing ;has left   had written ;had left   were writing ;had left  

