interact install innovate intend
get through, pass by. interact with. derive from.
interact provide connect work
A particular disease is associated with a single cause We should enjoy as many things as possible We can never understand how different factors interact to cause a disease A disease is caused more by genes than by lifestyles
printer memory CPU operating system
printer memory CPU operating system
conflict accord harmonize struggle
interact provide connect work
Printer memory CPU operation system
tensely nearly carefully closely
A particular disease is associated with a single cause. We should enjoy as many things as possible. We can never understand how different factors interact to cause a disease. A disease is caused more by genes than by lifestyles.
Transport distance Location of markets Freight traffic in a region Seasonality of product movements
tensely nearly carefully closely
We now fully understand how risk factors trigger heart attacks. We recently began to study how risk factors trigger heart attacks. We have not identified many risk factors associated with heart attacks. We do not fully understand how risk factors trigger heart attacks.