dismissed released picked exposed
ninety-year-olds ninety-old-year ninety-years-old ninety-year-ol
ninety-eighth, fifth ninety-eight, fifth ninety-eight, five ninety-eighth, five
ninety-miles ninety-mile's ninety miles ninety-mile
ninety-miles ninety-mile's ninety miles ninety-mile
nineteen and ninety-nine nineteen ninety-nine one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine nineteen hundred and ninety-nine
can ; shan''t wil l; won''t won''t ; shall won''t ; shan''t
Three thousand, six hundred ninety-eight Three thousands, six hundreds and ninety-eight Three thousand, six hundred and ninety-eight Three thousand, six hundred and ninety eight
dismissed released picked exposed
ninety-miles ninety-mile's ninety miles ninety-mile
ninety-miles ninety-mile's ninety miles ninety-mile
Ninetieth; ninetieth Ninety; ninety Ninety; ninetieth Ninetieth; ninety
have,make wil1 have, will make have, will make
Ninety; ninetieth Ninety ; the ninetieth Ninty , the ninetieth Ninety ; nintieth
What When At what At when
a thousand , four hundred and ninty-eight a thousand , four hundreds and ninety-eight one thousand , four hundred and ninety-eight one thousand , four hundreds and ninety-eight