no more than not more than less than more than
no more than not more than more than less than
less than at least at most more than
less than at least at most more than
better than rather than less than other than
as well as instead of rather than less than
less than rather than as well as as much as
less than rather than as well as or rather
and still less as well as and still more no less than
as well as instead of less than rather than
instead of as well as less than rather than
less than at least at most more than
considerable comparable predictable irresistible
as well as no less than still less no more than
other than more than rather than less than
less than rather than as well as or rather
as well as no less than and still more and still less
Not better than No better than Not so well as No less than
and still less as well as no less than and still more
less than rather than as well as as much as