Sh Shanghai ShanghaiShanghai SS
How’s the weather like in Shanghai How’s the weather in Shanghai What is the weather in Shanghai Which is the weather in Shanghai
How’s the weather like in Shanghai
How’s the weather in Shanghai
What is the weather in Shanghai
Which is the weather in Shanghai
“北京---” “北京---Shanghai” "Shanghai" “北京Shanghai/
“北京---” “北京---Shanghai” “Shanghai” “北京Shanghai”
when will World Expo Shanghai be held when World Expo Shanghai will be held how soon will World Expo Shanghai be held how soon World Expo Shanghai will be held
the Technical Superintendent changed his job to work as DPA DPA changed his job to work as the Technical Superintendent the Technical Superintendent and DPA is the same person Both the Technical Superintendent and DPA are wearing the same hat"
The bus of shanghai at three is getting ready for checking The ticket of shanghai at three is getting ready for checking The bus will leave at 3 to shanghai,We shall beg in to check the bus tickets at once The bus will leave at 3 to shanghai,We shall beg in to check the bus ticket svery soon
worked in Shanghai for 10 years. have worked in Shanghai for 10 years. am working in Shanghai for 10 years. had working in Shanghai for 10 years.
复制到网管安装目录之外 复制为deploy-an-commonsh-shanghai-bak.properties 复制为deploy-an-commonsh-shanghai.properties.bak 复制为deploy-an-commonsh-shanghai.bak
how will you go Shanghai how you will go to Shanghai when will the bus leave for Shanghai When the bus will leave for Shanghai
how will you go to Shanghai how you will go to Shanghai when will the bus leave for Shanghai when the bus will leave for Shanghai
two hours’; how Shanghai will be like two-hour; how Shanghai will be like two-hour; what Shanghai will be like two hour’s; what Shanghai will be like
“北京---” “北京---Shanghai” “Shanghai” “北京 Shanghai”
"北京---" "北京---Shanghai" "Shanghai" "北京Shanghai"
"北京…" "北京…Shanghai" "Shanghai" "北京Shanghai"
how will you go to Shanghai how you will go to Shanghai when will the bus leave for Shanghai when the bus will leave for Shanghai