Should the engine stop without apparent reason The engine should stop without apparent reason The engine stops without apparent reason The engine is stopped without apparent reason
That sounds fine That goes without saying That all depends No one knows for sure
Peter’s leaving without saying goodbye Peter left without saying goodbye Peter was leaving without saying goodbye Peter had left without saying goodbye
That sounds fine That goes without saying That all depends No one knows for sure
Refuse to work on the project because management is not following standard project management practice Since time is of essence, you should start the project with the inputs from project charte Meet the management and mention the problems you will face without a scope statemen Escalate the issue to the project sponsor and issue a risk mem
the message was understood the message was not understood the message may not have been understood the information was not appropriate
say saying to say to saying
people were not adequately compensated for the loss of their land people were no longer legally entitled to reclaim land ’ people were badly paid for the work they managed to find people were forced to look elsewhere for means of supporting themselves
Customers should always be well serviced Without loyal customers an organization might go bankrupt Companies can employ custofners to advertise their products It is difficult for large organizations to provide their customers with good service