Weather permitting If weather is permitted Weather permits Weather permitted
What fine weather What a fine weather How a fine weather How fine a weather
such fine weather so fine a weather such a fine weather as such a fine weather
Weather permits If weather will permit Weather permitting Weather permitted
inform informing informed being informed
What was the weather How was the weather like How was the weather What is the weather like
such a fine weather so fine a weather such fine weather so fine weather
weather permitted weather permits weather to permit weather permitting
weather permits If weather will permit weather permitting weather permitted
The weather The weather is The weather was The weather are
did Japan have; are being located has Japan had; are located Japan had; are locating had Japan had; locate
so cold weather such a cold weather such cold weather so cold a weather
Japanese,Japan Japan,Japanese Japanese,Japanese Japan,Japan
Chinaw2Japan China2wJapan China2Japan Chinaand2Japan
inform informing informed being informed