open the watertight door and take a quick look open the hatch dogs on the side away from the hinges tap the bulkhead with a hammer to check for a water level feel the bulkhead to see if it is hot
vessel towing a submerged object dredge underway and dredging hydrographic survey vessel at anchor and surveying None of the above"
Your vessel is obligated to stay out of the way The other vessel must give way, since your vessel is stopped You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel not under command You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver"
blows the fire back toward the vessel comes over the bow comes over the stern comes over either beam"
Anchor balls forward and three black balls aft Anchor ball forward and two black balls aft Two black balls where best seen Three black balls where best seen"
The inbound vessel The outbound vessel The vessel coming from the starboardside The vessel coming from the port side
maximum horsepower of your vessel presence of background lights at night draft of your vessel maneuverability of your vessel"
decrease the holding power of your anchor decrease the swing of your vessel while at anchor increase the holding power of your anchor increase the possibility that your vessel will drag anchor"
Continue backing to scour out the bottom Wait for high tide and then try backing Flood empty tanks to increase bottom pressure and prevent inshore creep Shift weight aft to reduce the forward draft"
A decrease in reserve buoyancy A decrease in the maximum draft The vessel to flop to port or starboard None of the above"
to starboard to port forward aft
sagging with tensile stress on main deck sagging with compressive stress on main deck hogging with tensile stress on main deck hogging with compressive stress on main deck"
A vessel made fast to a single point mooring buoy A purse seiner hauling her nets A pilot vessel at anchor A vessel which has run aground"
You must keep your course and speed You may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clear The other vessel must keep her course and speed Both vessels must keep their course and speed"
difference between the vessel's speed through the water at any instant and the new speedordered on the telegraph distance the vessel has actually run through the water since a change of speed was ordered distance the vessel will run between taking action to stop her and being stationary in thewater speed at which a vessel should proceed to ensure that she will run a predetermined distance,once her engines have been stopped"
has run out is running out is using up has been run out of
has run out used up has used up has been run out
It; has run out It; has been run out That; has been used up That; has run out
run aground run grounded aground run grounding
filed in the ship's office posted in a passenger area posted adjacent to the Certificate of Inspection posted in the pilothouse