how much is it how much it is how far is it how far it is
How much How many How far How long
How long How soon How much How far
3 kilometres long 3 kilometres walk within 3 kilometres 3 kilometres far
How long How far How soon How often
How soon How far How much How often
how long is it how long it is how far is it how far it is
how long it takes to go to the zoo how far it is from here to the zoo how far is it from here to the zoo how long does it take to go to the zoo
By bus Ten minutes Sorry, I’m new here I’m lost
what Alice came to do where Alice came from how Alice came here who Alice came with
what Alice came to do where Alice came from how Alice came here who Alice came with
7 minutes walk 7 minutes’ walk 7 minute walk 7 minute’s walk
How often How long How far How soon
how long how often how far how much
3 kilometres long 3 kilometres walk within 3 kilometres 3 kilometres far
How often How long How far How soon
Where is the hospital Is there a hospital near here Is the hospital far from here How can I get to the hospital
seven minutes walk seven minute walk seven minutes walk seven minute’s walk
7 minutes walk 7 minute walk 7 minutes’ walk 7 minute’s walk