relaxed; So was I impressing; So didI. impressed; So was I relaxing: So I did
that she is so crazy about what is she so crazy about why she is so crazy about how she is so crazy about
she was; studied was she; studying she was; studying was she; studied
So she did…so didI. So did she…so I did S
clever stubborn brave familiar
a. A couple of times she tried to prepare me for the possibility that I might one day discover her body in her apartment. She told me that if it happened like that—if she died quietly, peacefully, as she went about her day, or, even better, in her sleep—it would be a blessing. At the time, the idea terrified me. Now it seems like a dream. She learned to use the Internet in order to be able to send e - mails to Frank Rich. be able to send e - mails to me. be able to read e - mails from relatives. be able to read Frank Rich onlin
So she has ,so have her parents So is she ,so her parents are So has she ,so her parents have So she is ,so are her parents
relaxed;So was I impressing;So didI. impressed;So was I relaxing;So I did
relaxed; So was I impressing; So did I impressed; So was I relaxing; So I did
give up give up to give in give in to
give up give in give out give away
forgets dares hates fails
helpful direct polite brave
relaxed; So was I impressing; So did I impressed; So was I relaxing; So I did
relaxed; So was I impressing; So did I impressed; So was I relaxing; So I did