Change to component A from component Component A costs more to purchase but has a lower life cycle cost than Change task A to be completed by resource B instead of Resource C, Resource B is a more experienced worke Move tasks B and H to occur concurrently, and take the risk of a 30% increase in the need for five more resources late Remove a test from the project pla
variable costs and fixed costs fixed costs and indirect cost direct costs and variable costs indirect costs and direct costs
raising of raising rising for rising
as costs twice much as as much as costs twice costs as much as twice costs twice as much as
Wheel motors are more expensive and prices are still rising. Wheel motors are not as easy as traditional cars to use. The technology is not making improvement at present. The technology cannot save as much energy as expecte
As for costs, not to worry. "Reducing the waste and inefficiency in Medicare and Medicaid will pay for most of is plan. " Obama said. He pledged to" not sign a plan that adds one dime to our [budget] deficits- either now or in the future. "If you believe Obama, what’s not to like Universal insurance. Continued choice. Lower costs. The problem is that you can’t entirely believe Obama. If he were candid - if we were candid - we’d all acknowledge that the goals of our ideal health - care system collide. Perhaps we can have any two, but not all three. If we want universal insurance and unlimited patient and doctor choice, costs will continually spiral upward, because there will be no reason or no one to stop them. We have a variant of that today -a cost -plus system, with widespread insurance and open -ended reimbursement. Higher costs push up premiums and taxes. That’s one reason health spending has gone from 5 percent of gross domestic product in 1960 to 16 percent in 2007. (Other reasons: new technologies, rising incomes. ) But controlling spending requires limits on patients and doctors. What is the author’s attitude towards Obama’s reform plan on health- care Welcome. Critical. Indifferent. Approving.
rising; rises raising; raises rising; raises raising; rises
offered offering being offered having been offered
add up to look up to cut short keep up with
variable costs administrative costs costs of repairs costs of crew
a. If he were candid - if we were candid - we’d all acknowledge that the goals of our ideal health - care system collide. Perhaps we can have any two, but not all three. If we want universal insurance and unlimited patient and doctor choice, costs will continually spiral upward, because there will be no reason or no one to stop them. We have a variant of that today -a cost -plus system, with widespread insurance and open -ended reimbursement. Higher costs push up premiums and taxes. That’s one reason health spending has gone from 5 percent of gross domestic product in 1960 to 16 percent in 2007. (Other reasons: new technologies, rising incomes. ) But controlling spending requires limits on patients and doctors. What is the author’s attitude towards Obama’s reform plan on health- care Welcome. Critical. Indifferent. Approvin
as costs twice much as as much as costs twice costs as much as twice costs twice as much as
add up to look up to cut short keep up with
add up to look up to come up with keep up with
rising ;raised raised ;rising risen ; rising rising; risen
prevention costs appraisal costs quality planning costs warranty costs
Change to component A from component B. Component A costs more to purchase but has a lower life cycle cost than B. Change task A to be completed by resource B instead of Resource C, Resource B is a more experienced worker. Move tasks B and H to occur concurrently, and take the risk of a 30% increase in the need for five more resources later. Remove a test from the project plan.
add up to look up to come up with keep up with
flat in our city costs ____ now as in 1990. A. as three times much as much three times much as three times three times as much