feel to feel feeling felt
feeling feels feel to feel
rest to rest resting rested
According to the paragraph, exercising every day is a good way to equip oneself with energy. to keep fit. to remove anxiety. to make one feel relaxed.
to equip oneself with energy. to keep fit. to remove anxiety. to make one feel relaxe
feel to feel feeling felt
resting breaking to relax to work
伺候cì榫眼sǔnyǎn 拓片tàpiàn 挑唆tiǎosuō 湍急tuānjí 拓荒tuòhuāng 蜿蜒wānyán 腕子wànzi 威吓wēihè 萎靡wěimǐ 猥琐wěisuǒ 猥亵wěixiè
feel to feel feeling feels
feeling feels feel to feel
Some young people get involved into the trend due to peer pressure. Those who dont receive hugs feel left out. Theres the danger that hugging slide into the more ominous territory of sexual harassment. Diseases could be transmitted more easily through the extra-long body contact.