operated manually once an hour operated until the engine has started placed into operation only at maximum load adjustable to meet lubrication requirements
facilitate bi-directional operation provide the greatest pump efficiency prevent pump clogging from marine growth prevent cavitation at the pump outlet
we are going to operate on the patient an operation is necessary the patient needs an operation the doctor will perform an operation on the patient
operand data object member
operate on operation for operation to operation on
the proper back pressure the cooling water temperature correct timing and proper seating accurate metering and the exhaust temperature
translate interpret describe store
has much to do with the operation of the engine and its life have much to do with the operation of the engine and its life has much doing with the operation of the engine and its life have much doing with the operation of the engine and its life
operand data object member
translate interpret describe store
facilitate the installation of piston rings allow for the expansion of the piston during operation prevent crankcase vapors from entering the combustion chamber reduce wearing of the upper cylinder liner
making inward operation making outward operation making cargo operation at anchor