to play with playing with to play plays
where can I see a moviE. where can I borrow some magazines, where I can send a postcar D. where I can borrow some books.
confirm admit agree conclude
to play with playing with to play plays
where I can post letters what movie I can see here if there’s a good place to eat in how I get to the bus station
where I can post letters what movie I can see here how I get to the bus station if there’s a good place to eat in
waited wait would be waiting have been waiting
waited wait would be waiting have been waiting
waited wait would be waiting have been waiting
where I can post letters what movie I can see here if there’s a good place to eat in how I get to the bus station
confirm admit agree conclude
Yo/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/△-11 Yo/△-11;Y/Yo-12;Y/△-11 Y/△-11;Yo/Y-12;Y/Y-12 Y/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/Yo-12
Y 侧故障相电流等于 Yo 侧故障相电流 Y 侧故障相电流等于 Yo 侧故障相电流的 2/3 Y 侧非故障相电流等于 Yo 侧故障相电流的 1/3 Y 侧故障相电流等于 Yo 侧故障相电流的 3/2
Yo/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/△-11 Yo/△-11;Y/Yo-12;Y/ △-11 Y/△一ll;Yo/Y-12;Y/Y-12 Y/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/Yo-12