to get up, to get up to get up, to getting up to getting up,to get up to getting up, to getting up
As she was exhausted If she was exhausted Exhausted though she was Now that she was exhausted
to get up, to get up to get up, to getting up to getting up,to get up to getting up, to getting up
to get angry getting angry getting angry with to get angry with
to get to getting to be gotten to be getting
getting over getting through getting along getting down
the more she becomes interested the more interested she becomes the more interested she becomes in the interested she becomes more in
how she is getting along how is she getting along what she is getting along what is she getting along
is she getting along she gets along she is getting on she had got on
getting up;get up get up; get up get up; getting up getting up;getting up
get up;get up get up;getting up getting up;get up getting up getting up
won't wouldn't is not did not
getting through going through getting over going down
gets on well with getting well getting on well with gets well
to get angry getting angry getting angry with to get angry with
getting promoting getting promoted got promoted get promoted
What; Because she got Was it what; Getting What was it that; She got What was it that; Getting