Good luck Glad to hear that Congratulations Forget it
Congratulations Come on Good luck Cheer up
Congratulations Excuse me No problem Never mind
Congratulations! What a pity! No problem. Never minD.
my; her mine; her my; hers mine; hers
Congratulations Come on Good luck Cheer up
Congratulations Come on Good luck Cheer up.
Congratulations Excuse me No problem Never mind
be mad at be proud of be angry with be impolite to
shall be should have been must be might have been
Congratulations Come on Good luck Cheer up
Congratulations! Best wishes. Good luck. Don't mention it.
my;her mine;her my;hers mine;hers
Congratulations! Best wishes. Good luck. Don’t mention it.
Congratulations Excuse me No problem Never mind
didn't know; were don't kow; are haven't known; are don't know; were
Congratulations Cheer up Come on Good luck