The; play A; take A; play The; take
women should be kind to their husbands women are too weak to take full-time jobs home is the best pace for women women should only take part-time jobs
join take part in compete for join in
women should be kind to their husbands women are too weak to take full-time jobs home is the best pace for women women should only take part-time jobs
the fact that women the fact to that women fact that women the fact of women’s
join take part in compete for attend
Most women take walking as their only recreational activity. Walking was the only recreational activity for about half of the women. The study aims to track the health conditions of its subjects. Irregular walking increased the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women
take took have taken will take
The fact that men do not try clothes on in a shop. Women bargain (计价还价) for their clothes, but men do not. Women stand in a shop, but men sit down. The time they take to buy clothes.
The fact that men do not try clothes on in a shop. Women bargain (讨价还价) for their clothes, but men do not. Women stand in a shop, but men sit down. The time they take to buy clothes.
they take it seriously they have less symptoms than men they take no medicine they’re more likely to delay seeking help
resort to the production mode of our ancestors offer higher wages to the workers and employees enable man to fully develop his potentialities take the fundamental realities for granted.
cope with take advantage of take care of look after