How come So what Why not What for
How come What for So what Why not
How come what for So what Why not
How come So what Why not What for
Tom having been late again Tom to be late again Tom's being late again Tom was late again
So what Why not How come What for
How come So what Why not What for
How come What for So what Why not
How come So what Why not Guess what
How come So what Why not What for
So what Why not How come What for
So what Why not How come What for
late; lately late; late lately; late lately; lately
Tom came late That Tom came late When Tom came late Because Tom came late
Can you arrive late at class What are the rules What else do you have to do Did you arrive late at class
How come So what Why not What for
How come So what Why not What for
How come What for So what Why not
Tom having been late again Tom to be late again Tom’s being late again Tom was late again
Tom having been late again Tom to be late again Tom’s being late again Tom was late again