only when the load is taken off the cable only when there is a load on the cable only when activated by the controls at the lowering station at any time"
has produced a positive effect on S & P Cable and Broadcasting index will intensify the competition among Cable-TV operators in the near future render aggressive price cuts from other cable outfits absolutely impossible will make other cable operators offer multiple services like broadband
people at S & P are watching out for pressures of price cuts the revenue of cable industry has been growing steadily SBC’s undercutting affects cable broadband providers differently price pressures overshadow the growth of cable broadband business
radio channel coaxial cable twisted--pair cable fiber optic cable
Master or single drive Drive is slave Master with a non-ATA compatibleslave Cable select
has produced a positive effect on S & P Cable and Broadcasting index will intensify the competition among Cable-TV operators in the near future render aggressive price cuts from other cable outfits absolutely impossible will make other cable operators offer multiple services like broadband
Cable Modem利用时分复用的方法 上行信道为从计算机终端到网络方向 下行信道为从网络到计算机终端方向 Cable Modem可以分为双向对称式传输和非对称式传输
radio channel fiber optic cable twisted-pair cable coaxial cable
has produced a positive effect on S & P Cable and Broadcasting index will intensify the competition among Cable-TV operators in the near future render aggressive price cuts from other cable outfits absolutely impossible will make other cable operators offer multiple services like broadband
从传输方式分,Cable Modem可分为双向对称式传输和非对称式传输 从同步方式分,Cable Modem可分为同步交换和异步交换 从接入角度分,Cable Modem可分为单向和双向 从接口角度分,Cable Modem可分为外置式、内置式和交互式机顶盒
ADSL为非对称带宽传输,Cable Modem为对称带宽传输 ADSL使用电话线,Cable Modem使用有线电视线 ADSL的带宽为独享式,Cable Modem的带宽为共享式 ADSL与Cable Modem都可做双向的传输
reduce the length of the cable pay out more anchor cable back the engines swing the rudder several times to work the anchor into the bottom"
has produced a positive effect on S & P Cable and Broadcasting index will intensify the competition among Cable-TV operators in the near future render aggressive price cuts from other cable outfits absolutely impossible will make other cable operators offer multiple services like broadband
Coaxial cable Optical fiber Unshielded Twisted-pair Cable Shielded Twisted-pair Cable
The cable lifter The hoisting motor The topping wire The life-raft