two thousand two-thousands two thousands two thousands of
dismissed released picked exposed
none of which neither of which both of which all of which
a working cycle the operation two fuel injections events
can ; shan''t wil l; won''t won''t ; shall won''t ; shan''t
of which two-fifths of whom two –fifths two-fifth of which two-fifth of whom
dismissed released picked exposed
that; which that; that which; which which; that
but neither of which none of which but neither of them none of them
have,make wil1 have, will make have, will make
Wil-2cell Rajicell HEp-2 cell HeLa cell LE cell
of which two-fifths of whom two-fifths two-fifth of which two-fifth of whom
What When At what At when
which that in which from which
neither of them none of which none of them neither of which