manages a business company in foreign countries organizes international flights for tourists travels around the world with cheap tickets delivers papers and packages to foreign countries
it costs less it is flexible it saves time it grows fast
had left has left left will leave
cant decide when and where to travel cant take any luggage with him has to wear two pairs of jeans saves little money from the travel
hundred hundreds hundred of hundreds of
the; the the; / /; the /; /
it costs less it is flexible it saves time it grows fast
I did find had I found I found did I find
manages a business company in foreign countries organizes international flights for tourists travels around the world with cheap tickets delivers papers and packages to foreign countries
describes the activities of a lawbreaker suggests an ideal way to travel argues against the air courier travel tells us about a developing business
The airport workers treated him friendly at first, but became indifferent later. The officials finally found the lost document which could prove Miran' s state of refugee. Miran tried hard to release himself from the airport but there was no possibility to leave. Miran was allowed to leave the airport in 1999 and he started a new life since then.
finding to find being found to have found
describes the activities of a law breaker suggests an ideal way to travel argues against the air courier travel tells us about a developing business
I did find had I found I found did I find
we found did we find have we found we have found