require are required have required will be required
that required him which was required of him what was required of him what has been required him
Ballasting or cleaning of fuel oil tanks Shifting suction of main fuel pump to reserve fuel oil tank Changing out sprayer plates to adjust for steam demand Daily inspection of engine room bilges
high temperatures low temperatures wet dirty
not required to be marked anywhere on the vessel required to be marked on both bows and on the keel required to be marked on the stern with the name of the vessel marked on both bows required to be marked on the keel, stern, and both bows"
requiring to be required being required to have required
The hospital may be used for disciplinary confinement if it is not being used for treatment The hospital space must have both a bathtub and shower A hospital is required on all vessels with a crew of 12 or more if it makes overnight voyages If a ship has a crew of forty-five who do not have their own room ,the hospital must havefour berths"
What is required It is required As is required Which is required
are required to are required require should be required
required responded requested demanded
Accommodations Meals Transportation Sales tax