many people didn’t think he was still alive the car was stopped by a policeman he was rushed to a nearby hospital a stranger hurried over to help him
wounded ruined injured harmed
shouldn’t run, might have been knocked shouldn’t have run, might have been knocked mustn’t run, could have been knocked mustn’t have run, could be knocked
To lose Lost Having lost Being lost
damaged wounded injured harmed
on, to into, to off, at down, at
down; in danger off; dangerous down; dangerous off; in danger
is knocked down has been knocked down has knocked down had knocked down
knock into knocked around knocked into knocked off
destroyed harmed injured ruined
fixed;knocked down fixing;knocked over fixed;knocked out of fixing;knocked against
Tom’s bike broke down on the way it happened that Tom’s bike hit a car a car knocked Tom off his bike Tom knocked into a tree
不填;不填 the; the 不填;the the;不填
he went to America his father died a car knocked him down all of the above
being knocked down knocking down to be knocked down to knock down