循证医学 药学服务 药物信息 治疗药物监测 药物不良事件
are surely very exact are probably higher than the real amount are perhaps less than the real amount are probably groundless
delayed quick positive unfavorable
Right Wrong Not mentioned
A. Right Wrong Not mentioned
药物不良反应 药物评价 药物稳定性 药学教育 药学实践
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
药学服务 用药差错 日规定剂量 治疗药物监测 药物不良反应
Right Wrong Not mentioned
循证医学 药物信息 药源性疾病 治疗药物监测 药物不良事件
are not paying enough attention to possibilities of ADR happenings have never tried to use computers to prevent ADRs from happening do not use those drugs which will cause side effects to their patients know that many ADRs are easily preventable
delayed quick positive unfavorable
delayed quick positive unfavorable
Right Wrong Not mentioned
delayed quick positive unfavorable
$40,000,000,000 $4,000,000,000 $400,000,000 $40,000,000
山楂调中丸 开胃山楂丸 葛根芩连微丸 养胃舒胶囊 龙荟丸
Right Wrong Not mentioned