Mr. Brown didn’t know Jill was a college student Mr. Brown didn’t know Jill was good at her subjects Mr. Brown didn’t like Jill at all Mr. Brown told Jill to be a cleaner
A.was living had lived has lived lived
lived has lived was living had lived
has been to has been in has gone to has gone in
has lived have lived lived lives
has lived had lived lived is living
taken place taken the place in place of replaced
goes; was has left, will be has gone; has been has gone; will be
lived has lived was living had lived
has lived is living lived lives
Mr. Brown comes comes he Mr. Brown comes Mr. Brown Mr. Brown has come
lived has lived was living had lived
Mr. Brown comes comes he Mr. Brown comes Mr. Brown Mr. Brown has come
lives lived has lived will live
lived has lived was living had lived
work worked is working will work
lived was living has lived had lived
has lived; had prepared has been living; has been preparing lived; has been preparing has been living; has prepared