decrease the holding power of your anchor decrease the swing of your vessel while at anchor increase the holding power of your anchor increase the possibility that your vessel will drag anchor"
steering gear windlass deck crane warping drum
cranes mooring barrel capstans cable lifter
warping head fairlead wildcat capstan
The digging in of the flukes of the anchor and the quality of the bottom The quality of the bottom and the cables lying on the bottom The brake and the cables lying on the bottom The digging in of the flukes of the anchor ,the quality of the bottom and the length of cablelying on the bottom"
windlass anchor capstan turning gear winch barrel
Shorten the scope of the cable Veer cable to the anchor Drop the other anchor underfoot Drop the second anchor, veer to a good scope, then weigh the first anchor "
increased pump speed excessive pump discharge pressure too low of a tilting box angle low pump speed
cranes winches capstans windlass
make sure that the windlass is out of gear and the brakes are on turn the windlass over slowly release the brake put the windlass into gear"
repack all valve stems lubricate it prior to use replace the foundation bolts balance the warping heads
Prohibit to anchor Prohibited to anchor Prohibited from anchor Prohibited from anchoring"
By lowering the anchor to about 60 fathoms By lowering the anchor to about 30 fathoms By lowering the anchor to about 10 fathoms Not possible"
jib stopper winch barrel slewing rim windlass
anchor may be dropped from the hawse pipe anchor should be lowered to within 2 fathoms of the bottom before being dropped anchor should be lowered to the bottom then the ship backed and the remainder of the cableveered scope should be less than 3 times the depth of the water"
reduce the length of the cable pay out more anchor cable back the engines swing the rudder several times to work the anchor into the bottom"
excessive drive motor speed excessive pump discharge pressure too low of a tilting box angle insufficient drive motor speed
a heavy anchor with an extra long line used to anchor in deep water a cone shaped bag used to slow down the wind drift effect a pad eye to which the sea painter is made fast made of wood if it is of an approved type"
the order to let go the anchor is received the anchor reaches the bottom the anchor is clear of the hawse pipe enough cable has been paid out"
By lowering the anchor to about 60 fathoms By lowering the anchor to about 30 fathoms By lowering the anchor to about 10 fathoms Not possible