data is stored a pipeline stall will be executed a page fault is addressed another address is stored
upstairs and in rooms at the bank upstairs or in rooms at the back downstairs or in rooms at the back downstairs and in rooms at the back
upstairs and in rooms at the back upstairs or in rooms at the back downstairs or in rooms at the back downstairs and in rooms at the back
command program operation code
has stored have stored has been stored have been stored
upstairs and in rooms at the back upstairs or in rooms at the back downstairs or in rooms at the back downstairs and in rooms at the back
processor keyboard printer memory
batches procedures triggers transactions
bonded,goods Through,goods Transshipment,goods Transit,goods
upstairs and in rooms at the bank upstairs or in rooms at the back downstairs or in rooms at the back downstairs and in rooms at the back
upstairs and in rooms at the back upstairs or in rooms at the back downstairs or in rooms at the back downstairs and in rooms at the back
were stored had been stored are being stored have been stored
data is stored another address is stored a page fault is addressed a pipeline stall will be executed
bonded goods through goods transshipment goods transit goods
bonded goods through goods transshipment goods transit goods
were stored had been stored are being stored have been stored
upstairs or in rooms at the back. upstairs and in rooms at the back. downstairs or in rooms=at the back. downstairs and in rooms at the back.
PL/SQL procedures triggers transactions
data is stored a pipeline stall will be executed a page fault is addressed another address is stored