give you here you are here are you you can’t
Here you are Here it is Here are you They’re here
all you friends; all are all your friends; are all your all friends; are all your all friends; all are
He is herE. She is herE. She herE. He herE.
Here is Here are He is She is
Here is That’s It is Here are
to play there not to play in the park not to park your cars here to park your cars herE.
here comes he here does he come
he here comes here he comes
Thank you Here you are Here are you It is your ruler
What is in your bag Where is your computer Where is your mother Is your mother in the hotel
Here are your ticket(s) an dcharge Here are your tickets and therest Here are your tickets and money Give you tickets and charge
wrap the arm in a tight bandage soak the arm in hot salt water cover the burn with petroleum jelly put the burn in cold water
Here your teacher comes Comes here your teacher Your teacher come here Here comes your teacher
when did your teacher come here when your teacher came here how did your teacher come here how your teacher came here