Somebody of a manager Anyone of a manager Something of a manager Anything of a manager
any other the other another other
which the manager is talking to who the manager is talking
the manager is talking to him the manager is talking to
manager a manager the manager as a manager
Somebody of a manager Anyone of a manager Something of a manager Anything of a manager
Somebody of a manager Something of a manager Anyone of a manager Anything of a manager
raise rise arise be appeared
where does the manager live where the manager lives where did the manager live where the manager lived
Manager::Manager(int n):id(n){} Manager::Manager(int n){id=n;} Manager::Manager(int n):Employee(n){} Manager::Manager(int n){Employee(n);}
manager a manager the manager as a manager
whose manager; Yes the manager of which; Yes of which the manager; No which manager ;No
any other the other another other
REVOKE UPDATE(salar ON employee(U1,U2,U3) REVOKE UPDATE(salarON employee FROM U1,U2,U3 REVOKE UPDATE ON employee FROM U1,U2,U3 REVOKE UPDATE(salar FROM U1,U2,U3
any other the other another other
manager a manager the manager as a manager
is promised is promising has been promising promised
any other the other another other
which the manager is talking to who the manager is talking the manager is talking to him the manager is talking to