A.The humorous story was created abroad. B.The humorous story is basically American. C.The humorous story is also loved in other countries. D.The humorous story is the least popular in the U. S.
The humorous story was created abroad. The humorous story is basically American. The humorous story is also loved in other countries. The humorous story is the least popular in the U.S.
So does Tom So tom is So it is with tom Tom is so
uniform casual humorous formal
The humorous story was created abroad. The humorous story is basically American. The humorous story is also loved in other countries. The humorous story is the least popular in the U. S.
confident crazy sensitive humorous
humorous shy silent polite
heilonɡjianɡshenɡ Heilonɡjianshenɡ HeilonɡjianɡShenɡ
honest humorous generous smart
came true gave up built up worked out
uniform casual humorous formal
The humorous story was created abroad. The humorous story is basically American. The humorous story is also loved in other countries. The humorous story is the least popular in the U. S.