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假如你是高三的学生,最近你就高三模拟考试该难还是该容易这个问题进行了一次调查。请结合下表内容,用英语写一篇短文,介绍有关调查情况,并发表自己的看法。 赞成偏难,反对偏易 ...



Not a little    Not a bit   A. little   A.bit  
as healthy a life  as a healthy life  as healthily a life  as a healthily life 江西省鹰潭市2011届高三第一次模拟考试 ---Hello! Golden Bay Resort. Can I help you? ---Do you have a room ______ for this weekend? A. available B. useful C. possible D. empty  
being    is    if    though 江苏省南京市白下区2011届高三年级二模模拟考试 ________ there, the southwest desert contains a remarkable variety of plants. A. Rarely as it rains B. Sometimes it rains C. It rarely rains D. Although rarely rains  

