a so direct person so direct a person a direct so person a so person direct
good at weak in tired of angry with
a ,the the ,the / ,the the ,/
Never Zhou Yang will forget Never will forget Zhou Yang Never will Zhou Yang forget Never forget Zhou Yang will
crossing cross to cross in crossing
a ,the the ,the / ,the the ,/
a; a the; the a; the /; the
to cross having crossed cross crossed
crossing cross to cross in crossing
a ,the the ,the / ,the the ,/
a; a the; the a; the /; the
镌刻(junk) 着装(Zhou) 相机行事(Xian) 间(jinn)不容发 打烊(yang) 卓越(Zhou) 量体裁衣(Liang) 强(Qing)词夺理 脚踝(haul) 采掇(dub) 民脂民膏(sh) 载(zap)歌载舞 拘泥(in) 浸渍(zip) 所向披靡(me) 人才济(ji)济
to cross having crossed cross crossed