refuse decline deny reject
late; lately lately; late lately; lately late; late
No, I'll be very busy Yes, I'll be glad Certainly, I'll be sorry Certainly, I'll be glad to
later; lately later; late late; lately lately; late
1ate;lately 1ate;late lately;late lately,:lately
to work to work out to be worked out to work it out
came would have come had come would come
too much busy too far busy very too busy far too busy
I like to, and I’m glad to, but I’d like to, but I would like, and
happy surprised amazed annoyed
late; lately late; late lately; late lately; lately
weekdays daytime Sundays weekends
I have no time I’d like it I’d like to I’d rather not
No, I'll be very busy Yes, I'll be glad Certainly, I'll be sorry Certainly, I'll be glad to