Milestone Deliverable ETC BAC
导向原则 SMART(具体 specific 、可衡量 measurable 、可实现 attainable 、相关 relevant 、时限性time-based ) 客观、公正、公开原则 简便易操作原则
Americans place a very high valuation upon success There are many ways to gain success in America How success is measures in American The Puritan believe in success
Milestone Deliverable Etc BAC
observed intelligence occurs in the earliest years of life. the importance of language and psychological aspects of the parent-child relationship. the two major findings from the recent researches on intelligence. lack of appropriate verbal stimulation leads to children’s disadvantage in intelligenc
clean and measurable notable and systematic pure and wholesome clear and organic
materialistic rewards his being recognized the church he stats in his contribution to the church
明确(Spcifc) 可度量(Measurable ) 可获得( Available) 现实(Realistic )
at a glance to a measurable degree in most cases as a result
S-Specific M-Measurable A-Attainable R-Reasonable T-Technical
S-Specific M-Measurable A-Attainable R-Reasonable T-Technical
valid voiced measurable meaningful
measurable manageable affordable renewable
S——Special M——Measurable A——Attainable R——Relevant
managerable acceptable affordable measurable
Milestone Deliverable ETC BAC
specific,measurable,attainable,researchable,timely specifal,measurable,attainable,relevant,timely specifal,measurable,attainable,researchable,timely specific,measurable,attainable,relevant,timely