you will have, will rain you will have, rains will you have, rains you have, will rain
Having a talk with Tom Given a talk with Tom One talk with Tom If you have a talk with Tom
What do you think has happened to Tom What do you think Tom has happened Do you think what has happened to Tom Do you think what Tom has happened
a big enough case an enough big case a case enough big a case big enough
I don’t buy it I mean it You don’t forget it You got it
a big enough case an enough big case a case enough big a case big enough
you will have, will rain you will have, rains you have, will rain you have, rains
I don’t buy it I mean it You don’t forget it You got it
Having a talk with Tom Given a talk with Tom If you have a talk with Tom Once talk with Tom
a big enough case an enough big case a case enough big a case big enough
can'1 mustn't shouldn't mightn't
Having a talk with Tom Given a talk with Tom One more talk with Tom If you have a talk with Tom
Having a talk with Tom Given a talk with Tom One talk with Tom If you have a talk with Tom